Copying Files
There are several ways Windows operating systems allow files to be copied or moved. They include:
Drag and drop - In the window above it is easy to drag one of the files into one of the folders. This will move the file into the folder. This can also be done by opening two windows using the "My Computer" icon and dragging the file from one window to another.Copy and paste - You can open a "My Computer" window, and do the following:
On the "My Computer" menu select "Edit", then "Copy".
Navigate to the location where you want to put the file. You can navigate by using the "Up" folder to go up one level into the folder structure or by double clicking on folders to enter them. If the "Up" folder does not exist in your "My Computer" window, on your menu, select "View", then "toolbars", then select "Standard Buttons".
On the "My Computer" menu select "Edit", then "Paste". The file will be copied to the location you have navigated to.
Copying Multiple Files
There are several tricks that can be used to make copying or moving multiple files easier. They involve the selection of the files to be copied or moved. You can hold down the Shift key and select one file by clicking on it with the left mouse button (called left clicking). While still holding the Shift key down left click on another file several files down on the list. This will cause all files from the first one through the last one selected to be highlighted and selected. Release the Shift key. After this, you can hold down the Ctrl key and by left clicking on any other files, they can be either selected or de-selected. Release the Ctrl key. Once you have selected the files you can move them by dragging and dropping them (after releasing both the shift and control keys) into another folder. This is done as follows:
1. Put the mouse cursor over one of the selected files.
2. Left clicking the mouse and hold it down
3. Drag the file to the desired location such as a folder icon.
4. Release the left mouse button.
If you want to copy the files:
1. On the "My Computer" menu select "Edit", then "Copy".
2. Navigate to the location where you want to put the file.
3. On the "My Computer" menu select "Edit", then "Paste". The file will be copied to the location you have navigated to.
View Settings The Default Windows Setting is Dangerous Windows systems come with default file view settings. The default is to "Hide file extensions for known file types". This setting can be used to decieve a computer user into believing that a file is safe to open when it is not. Files containing viruses can be sent to a computer with the name "document.txt.exe" which is a file that the computer will run. The file will appear to the computer user as "document.txt" making the user believe that it is safe to open, but if the user clicks on it the file will be run and be able to infect the computer. Changing the View Settings This section will tell you hw to change your settings so you will always see file extensions. It will also tell you how to beable to see file details. Open "My Computer" by clicking on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop. Click on the menu item "View" and select "Details" from the drop down menu. This will change the current settings for the folder or location you are in, but the change is not permanent yet. To change the file view settings, if you are using Windows 2000 or XP click on the menu item "Tools" and "Folder options" selection. If you are using Windows 98, click on "View", and "Folder options". A dialog box similar to the one below should appear. |
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